Parks & Playgrounds

One of our favorite things to do is hit the great local parks & playgrounds. I have always loved the peacefulness of a quiet park on a sunny day, hearing the birds singing and the children playing. Something we have noticed over the years is how certain aspects of these places seemed to matter more at different times of year and different ages of the children, which definitely guided our choices.

In the interest of helping out other parents and families to figure out which park they may want to plan a trip to and when, we are putting together a reference guide of sorts. Most of these sites are in the mid-shore area of the eastern shore of Maryland. We really hope you find this section informative and even helpful.

"As a parent and a long-time player of Ingress, it adds a little more fun for the adults when we can also play while the kids are occupied and playing. These parks, playgrounds and other local sites are great to visit on an ingress road trip." - Christa

Dorchester County

Cambridge, MD
Cambridge, MD
Cambridge, MD
Cambridge, MD
Sharptown, MD
East New Market, MD
Sharptown, MD
Secretary, MD
Cambridge, MD

Caroline County

Harmony, MD
Denton, MD
Federalsburg, MD

Queen Anne's County

Queen Anne, MD

Sussex County

Laurel, DE

Talbot County

Trappe, MD
Easton, MD
Easton, MD